Monday 31 August 2015

Sailfish OS 2.0 delays

Update on Sailfish OS update schedule Eineheminlampi rolled out to public on September 24th. This release introduces the user interface of SailfishOS 2.0, still missing 1080p video recording, USB OTG, Partner Space and hall sensor code for Jolla Tablet. The next release after this will be Sailfish OS 2.0.x.x

Post updated on September 25th

Sailfish OS 2.0 delays

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Sailfish OS Release schedule for the next system updates

  • [[released] Early access (2nd test release)

    - Released to Jolla's Early Access customers on July 25th
    - Customers are reporting bugs here
    - Read more about Early Access here and maybe join the contribution
  • [released] Early Access (3rd test release)

    - Released to Jolla's Early Access customers on August 13th, and to expanded group including regular customers on August 20th
    - fixes bug causing too large Android app icons in certain screen resolutions
    - fixes bug causing WLAN tethering issue with apps using GPS
    - includes update related bug, sometimes the update taking hours
    - read here for more on this
  • [released] Early access + part of regular users (4th test release)

    - Released on August 27th
    - Fixes issues with youtube video playback in native browser
    - adds a feature to enable persistent logging during the upgrade process
    - fixes MER bug #1208
    - Two lines removed from the changelog, possible parts causing issues
  • [released] (public)

    - Released on August 31th, some time late (originally planned for July)
  • [released] (Early Access)

    - Released to Early Access customers on September 9th, 2015
    - released earlier to closed cbeta group, including members of Jolla Tablet developer program. These selected 3rd party developers are currently testing the tablets shipped as loan devices by Jolla
    - Known issues includes screen lag on Android apps and error messages while trying to install new Android apps from Aptoide. Problems are related to selected Intel hardware, which is not as well supported as more common arm on mobile devices. Jolla has contacted also Aptoide on the matter. 1.1.9.x is expected to support apps for Android 4.4.4
  • [released] (public)

    - Released to public on September 24th, 2015
    - includes the main parts of user interface of Sailfish OS 2.0
    - missing parts of full version 2 includes at least: 1080p video, USB OTG, Hall sensor, 3rd carousel screen
    - Read more on what the user interface will already have
  • 2.0.x.x (Early Access)

    - full transition to Sailfish OS 2.0 also in development point of view
  • 2.0.x.x (public)

    - Expected to be introduced on Intex Aqua Fish, launcing on October according to Intex. This version is also e
    xpected to include more Open Source components compared to Sailfish OS 1.0 all earlier releases

Original post on August 10, 2015 (updated September 9th, regarding version numbering):

According to Soumya Bijjal, software program manager at Jolla, there's been a change in release schedule. She mentions introducing 1.1.9 after 1.1.7, skipping numbers 1.1.8 in between, and continues:
"We will continue with the UI redesign, bring in further improvements to the Sailfish user experience and complete the transition to Sailfish OS 2.0 in the next upgrade (build version 1.2 2.0)." **
Original plan was to introduce SFOS2 as the next update right after 1.1.7, as shared here. Introduction it is, as 1.1.9 will have a lot of SFOS2 experience already included. Juhani Lassila, Head of Communications at Jolla, explains:
"1.2 2.0 from a developer point of view “completes the transition to Sailfish OS 2.0”, but the new UI and main elements for it are included in 1.1.9."  
"So from an end-user point of view, the next release updates you to the Sailfish OS 2.0 UI."
** Release numbers after 1.1.9.x are upgraded to 2.0, not 1.2 like posted earlier on developer mailing list.

Currently, Jolla Phone's latest public release is Sailfish OS Eineheminlampi, released on September 24, 2015. It was released late, on reason for this, Soumya mentioned
"hunting down the critical issues blocking the OS release for both phone and Tablet"
These changes do not affect on Jolla Tablet shipping schedule. It will be shipped with version 1.1.9 including the new user interface, and later updated to version 2.0
Jolla Tablets are expected to start shipping in early September early October, starting from the first funders of the crowdsourcing campaign

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By: Review Jolla
Sources: Dev mail, Digitoday, Tivi, TJC, Jolla Blog, Juhani Lassila
Published: 2015-08-10 16:57 UTC
Updated: 2015-09-25 13:55 UTC


  1. Seriously, I do not care for 1.1.7 3rd Test release. Does that mean no new UI for another few weeks? *whine*sob*

    1. It does... Schedule above updated with the latest info
