Monday 31 August 2015

Sailfish OS 2.0 delays

Update on Sailfish OS update schedule Eineheminlampi rolled out to public on September 24th. This release introduces the user interface of SailfishOS 2.0, still missing 1080p video recording, USB OTG, Partner Space and hall sensor code for Jolla Tablet. The next release after this will be Sailfish OS 2.0.x.x

Post updated on September 25th

System upgrade Björnträsket available for all

Jolla smartphone system update:
Sailfish OS Björnträsket

Finally released to public on August 31st, 2015, this is the same as the 4th Early Access release from few days back. Should you install it or not?

Monday 17 August 2015

Jolla Tablet video with new display

Jouni Mikkonen, Jolla, presents Jolla Tablet

Originally shared by Kauppalehti, a Finnish business magazine, this Jolla Tablet video is the first to present the device in its final hardware. Check the colors now, on the fully laminated Retina display, and hear what Jouni Mikkonen, corresponding R&D at Jolla Oy has to say about it. In the end, some more news Kauppalehti shared in Finnish from a press conference today at Jolla.

Subtitles: Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Español, Italiano, Russian, Svenska, Armenian

Saturday 15 August 2015

Jolla Tablet Specs, Hardware

Jolla Tablet review: Hardware specifications

Review on Jolla Tablet tech specs. Display, Cameras, Connectivity, RAM, ROM, Intel processor details, Sensors (5), Audio and Video hardware, supported formats etc.

Update, October 28th: Fresh photos of the final hardware added

Thursday 13 August 2015

On the deck with developers, August 2015

Jolla Sailors plans to improve Sailfish OS

Jolla's sail plan is set to balance under fast blowing winds. Sailors hold on to the recent policy in keeping their followers up to date on their road map and logs, which were recently written again - once again. We checked it, and translated the all too technical post to sailors. Ahoy, step on the deck to see what's up:

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Partner Space on Jolla Phone and Jolla Tablet

Followup post, Partner Space interface for current Jolla branded devices

We shared post "Introduction to Sailfish OS 2.0 Partner Space" a while ago, let's have another view sharing the changes coming up for current Jolla Phone owners and Jolla Tablet funders. Will they see external content provided by 3rd parties, or do they have options?

Friday 7 August 2015

Positive feedback

Short post written in a great mood

Inspired by one nice G+ post, several great blog posts by Jolla Sailors, and all the winds blowing in this community right now, I felt like writing a thanks post.

Hoping to expand good mood around Sailfish OS and Jolla even further with this

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Jolla Tablet - First batch out of factory

Jolla Tablet project in full speed, development update

Last week was very busy for Jolla, but few issues delaying the process by couple of days were catch up during the weekend by hard working Sailors. The first batch of Jolla Tablets is now complete and is told to look great!

Marko Saukko, Chief Engineer at Jolla shared technical details on the development process from the last week at Jolla blog, here's a version in (just a bit) less technical form.

UPDATE: developer loan devices shipped