Thursday 31 July 2014

Jolla phone news: Operator three, Hong Kong, China

Official Jolla launch at Hong Kong, China in cooperation with operator 3HK

Sales of Jolla handset are expected to be launched shortly in Hong Kong in cooperation with local operator 3HK. The boxes are already being packed (click on image to enlarge)

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Jolla launch to new markets: Rome, Italy

RCH Importazioni S.r.l - Official Jolla Distributor in Italy

Expanding of Jolla doesn't seem to end - While waiting for the launch in other countries we've now found out that the launch in Italy is already true

Friday 25 July 2014

Jolla towards new markets: Казахстан [Kazakhstan]

Russian language store starts selling Jolla

Opening of the first shop selling Jolla phones outside EU, Switzerland and Norway takes place at July 25, 2014 

Thursday 24 July 2014

Jolla Sea - Search Results

Your results are below. Share this tool!

New search

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Your Review of Jolla phone - Doing It Together

The most reliable Jolla Phone Review from every day users.

Check what others think and add your own review of the phone, operating system Sailfish OS and applications provided by Jolla. This takes 2-3 minutes of your time, and your opinion is valuable for many. Doing It Together, please contribute!

Saturday 19 July 2014

Stereo images with Jolla camera

Weekend fun: Tweak with your senses

Look at the pair of images below with your "eyes crossed" (like when looking at your own nose) so that you will find an illusion of a third image in between these two. No 3D glasses needed.

You'll also find instruction how to produce your own 3D images either with the stereo effect or with colored pair of glasses. Have fun!

Friday 18 July 2014

Jolla guide for installing Sailfish OS to Android phones

Porting Sailfish OS for Android? Hardware Adaptation Development Kit

"This is a guide to help you understand how you can port Sailfish OS to devices running the CyanogenMod flavour of Android"

"By following this guide you can set up a Mer-core based Linux system that will run on an Android device, on top of the existing Android Hardware Adaptation kernel and drivers"

Update, February 1, 2015: HADK version 1.0.3 published

Thursday 17 July 2014

Jolla apps: Top Sailfish OS music and radio apps

Image: 9 Music Apps multidriving on Jolla phone's home screen

After system update Tahkalampi Sailfish OS powered Jolla phone has become quite a jukebox. Here we take a look into top 10  music apps in the native Sailfish OS side (all available), a couple of interesting projects (possibly available soon), and just for the comparison and information I'll add Spotify and Simple mp3 from Android side along to this article.

Get to know the apps that suits best for your musical taste!

Monday 14 July 2014

Jolla Sailfish OS update Tahkalampi

Credits: (close to Tahkalampi)
Jolla system update 8 - July 14, 2014

Jolla's 8th system update for Sailfish OS is called Tahkalampi. Now we have a great tutorial app for new Jolla users showing how SailfishOS works. Also multitasking gets better with an own app cover for each running Android app....

Sunday 13 July 2014

Sailfish OS July update - first drops of information

Update July 13, 2014:
Video of the upcoming Glance Screen added

First drops of information of the Sailfish OS July update are pushing through in TJC. Here's a quick list of the questions selected to the update so far. Please note that these are planned, but the official release notes published later might show more (probably) or less fixes than you find here.

Together Jolla Community - latest activity

Latest TJC posts in the right side panel

I've added 5 latest questions/answers from TJC to our blog, I hope this new feature servers our readers even better. These links are automatically updated each time you open any page, and clicking on them opens the corresponding TJC page in our great community portal.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Jolla launcher security issue - unofficial version

[Security issue] Jolla launcher alpha for Android phones, unofficial version

A possible security issue in the unofficial Jolla Launcher alpha available via XDA developer forum might enable unlocking an Android phone without entering PIN

Monday 7 July 2014

First 3rd party app with advertisement

Ad block seen on Jolla's lock screen

Edit July 7, 2014: Updated version published, Ads are gone. See comment.

There it is, the first advertisement block on my Jolla's lock screen. We haven't seen ads on Sailfish OS before and some users think we never should. Sailfish OS app named Quickbar was the first, but probably not the last.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Jolla benchmark with Quadrant

[video] Jolla running a benchmark app, results OK!

Jolla scores quite well in this benchmark video shared by Hamanoo McDougachi. Quadrant is an Android app designed for testing mobile phones performance. Jolla has 1,4GHz Dual Core Snapdragon and Adreno 305 Graphic chip, let's see how Jolla performs in the test... - A peek in after a while

[updated] TJC after 7 months of use:, launcher December 12, 2013, is a portal between Jolla's customers, app developers and employees. After seven months in use Jolla phone owners have found TJC to be a working platform. Today Jolla has granted moderation rights to the first two community members. Let's see where we stand now after seven months:

Friday 4 July 2014

[video] Remote control home electrics with Jolla Sailfish OS app

[interview] [Sailfish OS app] [hw design] 

AutoHome, new interesting DIY project

Bruno Luvizotto shows his Sailfish OS app controlling electrical home equipment. Bruno switches on/off his room lights and ventilator directly from Jolla phone screen. Here's a video, pictures and a short interview with Bruno.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Jolla phone specs - detailed hardware specs

Full hardware specs of Jolla phone

1. Key factors against competitors. How does Jolla differentiate?
2. Jolla Hardware specs with extended details + user comments
3. [videos] The Other Half including hardware - community projects
4. Reviews elsewhere

Updated August 10, 2014

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Jolla Phone official ringtones

Playable directly in your browser (most browsers)

Jolla includes personal ringtones to the ambience of each The Other Half, Jolla's extended back cover. Here you'll find the three previews and two full lenght ringtones published by Jolla so far, listen before buying:

PS: Our brand new facebook page shares Jolla Phone Reviews, like!