Thursday 22 October 2015

Sailfish OS update Eineheminlampi

Minor Sailfish OS system update (Early Access)

Current version Sailfish OS can be updated to by Early Access customers starting today. This update corrects some configurations needed in advance before the next release: Sailfish OS

Minor Sailfish OS update Eineheminlampi

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Early Access users on should update their device, users having earlier versions can either keep using the Sailfish OS 1.0 user interface or update to the latest version, including the main parts of the new user interface

This update can be seen as a "hotfix" for, and it's needed only to make sure the upcoming update to Sailfish OS goes as it should. Official changelog wasn't even updated for this release, suggesting it includes only minor fixes.

The next OS upgrade will include further improvements to the Sailfish user experience, thus completing the transition to Sailfish OS 2.0. Here is a glimpse of the changes expected:

  • Pick your favorite settings shortcuts to be shown in Events on the device
  • Perform favorite actions directly from Events on the device like connecting to internet, search the web, find your location, take a photo, make a note or add an reminder
  • New Settings app layout for both phone and tablet
  • Feeds support in events view
  • Enhance the speed of pulley menu selection animation
  • Improvements to ambience handling
  • Maps app layout updates for the tablet.

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By: Review Jolla
Source: Release notes
Published: 2015-10-22 13:30 UTC
Updated: 2015-10-22 14:12 UTC

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