Thursday 18 February 2016

Sony XPeria towards Linux buildroot enabling also #SailfishOS

Sony calls in Kernel developers to support Linux  

Additional to Linux IoT solutions, these awesome steps Sony is taking will also enable building Sailfish OS for Sony XPeria models in much larger scale than already done. In the best case all the models will run on a same Linux kernel. The builds are of course not limited to Sailfish OS only, for example AOSP based mobile operating systems will benefit too.


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Via Sony Developer World news:

"In the future, we aim to increase support for Xperia devices on the mainline Linux kernel, to be able to merge the mainline and unified kernel tracks. This way, we could provide a mature and stable base for a wide range of uses. In the meantime, the mainline Linux kernel provides a full open source base for Linux distributions, while the unified Linux kernel for Xperia devices supported in the Open Device program provides a more stable base for custom firmware based on Android, such as custom ROMs."
"Now we would like to invite experienced kernel developers and hobbyists to join our effort and improve support for ARM platforms."

This is a great step towards open development and towards supporting open hardware, and Sony takes the steps starting from the right place: Linux root by Linus Thorvalds. Read the full article here and check how to build Linux on XPeria here. Sailfish OS on XPeria models, those already ported, can be found here.

Having just one Sailfish OS build for all XPeria models would definitely benefit spreading the awareness of Jolla's mobile operating system.

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By: Review Sailfish OS
Via: Sony mobile
Published: 2016-02-21 15:21 UTC
Updated: 2016-02-21 15:30 UTC

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