Jolla starts to issue refunds starting from pre-order customers
Those who ordered Jolla Tablet via Jolla Shop in autumn 2015 can expect a full refund in 2-3 weeks. To those who bough a perk via Indiegogo earlier, Juhani Lassila, Head of Communications at Jolla shares that the process continues on its all parts.Jolla Tablet refunds being processed
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Jolla shared the following newsletter to the pre-order customers today:
The newsletter above is delivered only to pre-order customers at this point, while Jolla continues their efforts in refunding also Indiegogo customers on later date. Latest announcement for them is to deliver 540 more Jolla Tablets (both 32GB + 64GB models), and issue a full refund in two portions for the rest, more than 9000 Indiegogo perk buyers.
I checked the situation with Juhani Lassila after the newsletter was mailed, and he shared that the process continues on its all parts. You can find all the earlier updates in the Jolla Tablet campaign here.
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Sources: Newsletter, Juhani Lassila
Published: 2016-02-19 15:20 UTC
Updated: 2016-02-19 15:20 UTC
Just wonder any of the lucky 400+ pre-ordered customers got any email from Jolla on the shipment of the tablet?
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure I was in the first 100 or so - and have already paid shipping taxes for my tablet (got the first batch of invitations) but no email yet!
DeleteI got mine delivered from DHL today. :) No shipping notice from Jolla prior to delivery.
DeleteSo people who paid by credit card instead of Paypal do not get refunded?
ReplyDeletePayPal handles also those pre-orders paid with a credit card, but the refund might arrive slower depending on the creditor. (info by Jolla)